Okay, so the plan to update the website this saturday went a bit to pot, got too busy coping with the vast amount of activity Bangor SP is getting up to this week (NUS extraordinary conference, A student debt demo in Cardiff, two days of the PCS on strike, three stalls against uni fees, a day of action on fees on saturday and discussions with several people who want to join). Anyway, I am definitely going to be posting on tuesdays, thursdays and sturdays every week (except if i go on holiday), with the excedption of today, this will be tuesdays post for this week, a brief update on the work of bangor socialist party and socialist students which should be appearing in the socialist soon!
Climate Change Day of Action
Bangor Socialist Party and Socialist Students are taking part in a day of action to coincide with the national climate change demonstration in London on Saturday 8th of October. From 11am-2pm we will be taking part in stalls and protests on Bangor High Street alongside of campaigning and environmental groups.
Che Guevara Meeting
Bangor Socialist Party and Socialist Students meeting about Che Guevara was attended by 10 people (our second largest meeting yet), including three people who were at their first socialist meeting. Hugh Caffrey introduced the discussion referring to how Che became politicised during his travels around Latin America and how this eventually led him to take part in the Cuban Revolution. The discussion commented on various things included the influence of religion on movements in Latin America, the relevance of Che for Latin American struggles today as well as some of Che's shortcomings.The meeting marks an important step in developing support for socialist ideas in North Wales. We already have an active group who are organising two-three stalls a week and discussing with many people. In the next few weeks we will be attempting to finalise becoming an official part of the student union. Our next public meeting will be How Do We Stop the BNP? on Saturday 15th December at 1.30pm in Letcure Room 1 at Bangor University.
Human Folly in The Wind from Nowhere
12 hours ago
You should move to Minneapolis. I'm sure the chapter here is one of your biggest, with an actual base with high school students.
Lol, you managed to tempt brother Caffrey out of his Manchester burrow?
Looks like things are going well. From tiny acorns great trees grow, etc.
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